Designed to transfer power supply from its primary source to a backup source manually, ABB has an extensive range of manual change-over switches, from which IPD offers ABB’s open transition manual change-over switches.
Utility and stand-by generating set applications are the most common applications for change-over switches where change-over switches commutate between two sources. A stand-by generator set is often the back-up power source. These generator sets are a fundamental part of many Critical power applications where a constant and reliable source of electrical energy is required. Change-over switches are typically dedicated switching devices, consisting of two mechanically interlocked switch-disconnectors and a motor operator for electrical operation.
When should you utilize a manual change-over switch?
In case of a manual change-over switch, the operator needs to manually transfer the power supply from the principal source to the backup source, therefore these are handy when a steady flow of power supply isn’t critical, and you don’t absolutely need a super-fast transfer to backup power when the main power fails. An open transition in a manual change-over switch is a three-position switch, where the principal source and backup source are on their own sides with the middle position being the full disconnect ‘off’ position (I-O-II), hence leaving no room for back feeding.

Why ABB manual change-over switches?
ABB offers a comprehensive offering with a complete range from 16 to 3200 Amperes with two pole configurations namely 3P and 4P, which is further enhanced by vast amounts of additional accessories inclusive of auxiliary contacts. A reliable performance is ensured as the switches are designed to be virtually maintenance free across their entire extended lifespan by testing them against the IEC 60947-6-1 standard. Safe operations are assured as the switches come equipped with inbuilt safety features such as mechanical interlock.
Base mounting is available for all ampere ranges, where DIN mounting is available for ranges up until 125 amperes. Our products are reliant in extreme conditions as they are equipped with comparative tracking index (CTI), and energy efficient due to the one pole construction, meaning one line per power line, reducing power loss and eliminating the additional use of fixing sets. The adaptable and modular construction makes way for various arrangements of poles and handles, which can possibly include an adjustable periscopic shaft creating unique space saving solutions for you.
ABB Manual change-over switches are tested excessively under UL/IEC/CSA in order to meet quality requirements globally.
Transfer Switches. [PDF] ABB. Available at: Click Here [Accessed 12 January 2022].