The Client
One of Australia's largest aviation construction projects was Brisbane’s new runway.
The site's construction began in 2012, with the major stages completed by mid-2020, and it was officially opened on Sunday, July 12, 2020.
The new runway is expected to create 7,800 new jobs and contribute an additional $5 billion in annual economic benefit to the region by 2035. This project also increases the number of airlines, destinations, and flight times available to our travel community.
This new runway is an important piece of infrastructure that allows Brisbane, and the nation to grow in the future. Furthermore, the new runway will allow Brisbane Airport to better meet the needs of the community it serves, both now and in the future.
When the Brisbane airport had the task of installing a UPS switchboard in a challenging location, they aimed to find the best solution provider on the market, which eventually led them to approach IPD Group.
How IPD Could Help with the Switchboard Installation
IPD Group is an Australian company with a significant national footprint in the electrical industry and has been providing services for over 65 years.
“The long-term cooperation between Elsteel and IPD has resulted in much growth and development for both parties,” says Fang Logstrup, Managing Director of ELSTEEL.
A high level of quality, performance, and local support was required by the Brisbane airport Corporation, which Elsteel Techno and IPD provided them with, which resulted in it being an evident perfect choice for the project.
The Brisbane airport had several key requirements for the UPS Switchboards
- It must meet AS/NZS 61439 standards
- Full design verification required by the consultant
Why was ELSTEEL's Techno Module Technology chosen first?
Techno Module was chosen by IPD Group as the ideal solution for this application. The UPS switchboards are critical infrastructure for the New Brisbane Airport Runway. The patented modular construction, it being open to all circuit breaker brands and flexibility allows you to make changes to the board during and after construction.
“The flexibility of the Techno Module system and the large database of tested systems helped fulfill the project requirements. ELSTEEL’s Techno Module is considered to be one of the most tested systems in the world – and that is the view of leading switchboard manufacturers in Australia,” Brian Rodricks, IPD Business Manager.
IPD and the ELSTEEL team worked together to facilitate the supply and assembly of new switchboards at the Brisbane airport. All switchboards were built by an experienced panel builder who has been working with the Techno Module system.
Our goal is to consistently provide the highest quality solutions to our clients and assist them in paving the way for long-term business success. The ELSTEEL team is not afraid of a challenge and is always available to our clients. The Brisbane runway is just one of many examples of our tireless efforts.