
Soft Starters

ABB PSR37-600-11 SOFTSTARTER - 37 A - 208 ... 600 V AC PSR37-600-11

Product Code: PSR37-600-11

The softstarter PSR37-600-11 has a rated maximum operational current of 37 A with an operating voltage span from 208...600 V AC. The rated control voltage is 24 V AC/DC. PSR features a two-phase control soft start and stop through a voltage ramp. It has built-in bypass for easy installation and energy saving. A RUN and a TOR signal is available from a relay output in NO (normally open state). The start/stop ramp and time is easy to set by three potentiometers on the front. PSR is often used in combination with a manual motor starter (MMS) from ABB, so mechanical connection kits are available. Another popular option is Fieldbus communication, which can be enabled by an external adaptor and a Fieldbus plug. The PSR range is our most compact softstarters with basic functionality and values. They are suitable for small three-phase motors with nominal currents from 3...105 A and can manage up to 100 starts per hour. Common applications are, for example, pumps, fans, compressors, and conveyors.

Technical Specifications

Brand ABB
Actuating Voltage Type AC/DC
Display Screen No
IEC Rated Operational Power 400V - Normal (kW) 18.5
Rated Operational Current (A) 37
Release Class Adjustable
Degree of Protection IP10
Dimensions (mm) 153W x 187H x 54D
NEMA Degree of Protection 1
Operational Temperature Range (°C) -25 to +60
Rated Control Supply Voltage AC (V) 24
Rated Control Supply Voltage AC/DC (V) 24
Rated Control Supply Voltage DC (V) 24
Rated Current - Medium Duty (A) 37
Rated Operational Voltage AC (V) 208
Rated Supply Voltage AC (V) 24
Size of Frame C


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